- Why Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Doesn’t Wear Underwear
Of course Nausicaä doesn’t wear underwear. Nausicaä is a free spirit of the wind. She must feel everything – everywhere, all at once, everywhere. To force a woman such as Nausicaä to wear underwear would only prevent her from feeling everything everywhere all at once. ....[The fungi and the insects will get us in the end. Thus shall the balance of nature be restored. tn. sy. ... an. sm. Miyazaki never even comes close to anything like Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. But Ponyo comes closer than any -- even though Ponyo wears underwear. Overcompensates by making Ponyo wear extra large underwear -- and always visible. Thus the balance of nature is restored.]
Somewhere while flying over the Strait of Hormuz, 2025